Sexy movis

 Screen Grabs: Sex, tech, and Godzilla—who could ask for anything more?

Porn, technology, Godzilla: All the major food groups are represented this week in late summer film festivals around the Bay Area. The smorgasbord is further varied by a few choice revivals from the 1980s—you know, that fabled era of when ordinary mortals could still afford to live here.

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The San Francisco PornFilmFestival is back with “two action-packed days”—remember when porn films (at actual porn theaters) advertised “solid XXX action”?—at the Brava Theater this Fri/18 and Sat/19, in addition to a longer stretch of on-demand streaming access via  Wed/16-Sun/27. The 69 films on tap (don’t tell me that number was an accident) run a gamut, encompassing titles from as far afield as Australia and Greece, plus some golden oldies Sugar High Glitter City from a couple decades ago. Needless to say, a broad range of sexual preferences and expressions are also showcased in the features and shorts on tap, as well as experimental work, filmmaker discussions, Q&A’s, and patron mixers. For more info, go to 

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